Expire - определение. Что такое Expire
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Что (кто) такое Expire - определение

Expire (band)
I. v. a.
Breathe out, emit from the lungs.
II. v. n.
Decease, draw the last breath. See die.
End, terminate, cease, conclude, stop, come to an end.
Expire (band)
(expires, expiring, expired)
When something such as a contract, deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.
He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitor's visa expired.
= run out
Expire (band)
·vi To emit the breath.
II. Expire ·vi To burst forth; to fly out with a blast.
III. Expire ·vt To Emit; to give out.
IV. Expire ·vt To bring to a close; to Terminate.
V. Expire ·vi To emit the last breath; to breathe out the life; to Die; as, to expire calmly; to expire in agony.
VI. Expire ·vt To breathe out; to emit from the lungs; to throw out from the mouth or nostrils in the process of respiration;
- opposed to inspire.
VII. Expire ·vt To give forth insensibly or gently, as a fluid or vapor; to emit in minute particles; to Exhale; as, the earth expires a damp vapor; plants expire odors.
VIII. Expire ·vi To come to an end; to Cease; to Terminate; to Perish; to become extinct; as, the flame expired; his lease expires to-day; the month expired on Saturday.


| years_active = –2017
Примеры произношения для Expire
1. It expires.
Artemis and The Martian _ Andy Weir _ Talks at Google
2. expire after five years.
Lights Out _ Ted Koppel _ Talks at Google
3. that wouldn't expire.
The NASA Grand Asteroid Challenge _ Jason Kessler _ Talks at Google
4. are going to expire.
Man vs Markets - Economics Explained (Plain and Simple) _ Paddy Hirsch _ Talks at Google
5. It expires after a month.
Caine's Arcade _ Nirvan Mullick & Caine Monroy _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Expire
1. "The act will expire next summer, but the terrorist threat to America will not expire on that schedule.
2. "It‘s important for folks to know that the right to vote _ even if those sections expire _ will not expire," said Justice Department spokesman Eric W.
3. The government‘s golden shares in Repsol and Iberia were due to expire next year, while those in Telef nica and Endesa expire in 2007.
4. The current temporary funds expire on November 16.
5. Castillo‘s death warrant is set to expire at week‘s end.